Quizmeister Chris Yeazel

Chris Yeazel’s Quick Quiz: A Few Questions about Freedom, History, and Democracy

Think you know your history?

This short quiz runs the gamut - from President Franklin D. Roosevelt to Norman Rockwell to Ruby Bridges to the U.S. Census. Come test your knowledge with your host, Chris Yeazel. Follow along as he reads the questions and answers.

  • A.Was given to the General Assembly of the United Nations shortly before his death in 1946

    B. Outlined the benefits of free markets in a capitalist ecomony

    C. Ensured that all U.S. Citizens should be cared for equally by the federal government

    D. Identified important reasons for Americans to buy war bonds.

  • A.Was the older brother of George Lincoln Rockwell, a well-loved public speaker in the 1940s.

    B. Served in the New England Coast Guard before moving his studio to Vernmont.

    C. First earned his reputation by illustrating stories in Reader’s Digest in the 1920s.

    D. Became famous because of his artwork for The Saturday Evening Post.

  • A.Traveled with Mahatma Gandhi to visit King George of England after World War II.

    B. Organized partisan Hindu uprisings in Pakistan during the Afghan war.

    C. Is an American Muslim advocate of multi-ethnic, interfaith collaboration.

    D. Acted in several recent Bollywood movies.

  • A.Was the former mayor of Brooklyn, New York.

    B. Served as governor of South Carolina and executive director of the National Basketball Association.

    C. Had a bit part in the Fully Monty Irish movie, dancing in a quartet of factory workers.

    D. Is a former governor of Massachusetts who has an interesting, broad view of patriotism.

  • A.Clearly defined in the U.S. Constitution.

    B. Intended to protect people everywhere in the world, not just the United States.

    C. Ensured the freedom to act on behalf of our families and law abiding citizens.

    D. The legal bases for ensuring the right to bear arms, vote, and practice our religion.

  • A.A soul singer from New Orleans.

    B. Six years old when she first went to public school in Little Rock, AK.

    C. The first Black person to attend The University of Alabama in the George Wallace era.

    D. An actress in the As the World Turns soap opera.

  • A.There is little difference between Mayberry and Minneapolis.

    B. Americans of all religions should get along.

    C. The everyday activities of family life in America is not quite as simple as they used to be.

    D. Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden deserve respect.

  • A.There are fewer white people in the U.S. than ever before.

    B. The population of our country is much more diverse than ever before.

    C. The federal government is less trustworthy than corporate America.

    D. The population of the U.S. is getting younger.

    1. D. Roosevelt’s speech during World War II identified important reasons for Americans to buy war bonds.

    2. D. It was The Saturday Evening Post. Rockwell illustrated more than 300 covers and stories in the magazine.

    3. C. Eboo Patel is an advocate of interfaith relations, whose recent TED Talk can help us understand the role of faith in democracy and everyday life.

    4. D. Patriotism. See for yourself.

    5. B. Roosevelt repeatedly referred to The Four Freedoms as important to countries around the world; not just the United States.

    6. B. This little girl has a place in American history because she was black … and still is! Until the U.S. government protected her right to attend a public, integrated school - in the 1950s! - she would have missed out on educational opportunities her white classmates were guaranteed.

    7. C. The other answers are quite debatable!

    8. B. The population of the United States is much more diverse than ever before in many different categories such as religion, race, culture, countries of origin and languages. That diversity is at the core of our challenges and opportunities in democracy.

    Thanks for playing along!

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